Shaman (Forums / 3.3.5 Talent Calculator / Cataclysm Talent Calculator)
Dual Wield Talent
We're not quite ready to talk about it yet, but imagine that the DW talent is accesible to Enhance early enough to be useful but not to Elemental and Resto. We're also looking at making enchants unique, which would let us drop the WF internal cooldown low enough that fast weapons might be more attractive. (Source)
Seeing as we haven't used dual WF since TBC this would be great. I guess they need to keep a short cd in there so it doesn't proc itself. More options is usually a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
Thoughts on the Upcoming Raid Renown
4 weeks ago
Getting DW early would be cool, currently it's a bit late in the talent tree so you don't get the full enhancement feel while levelling till level 40, which is a bit far in for my tastes.
Getting access to faster weapons might be good, although I prefer the current way I can discard lots of loot instantly because they are "too slow".
So long as we don't need to run Enhsim to figure out a fast weapon is an upgrade over a slow one (or vice versa) it will be all good, more loot for us. Raid leaders aren't going to like waiting for me to plug a drop into Enhsim and run the sim to see if it's an upgrade, so if it isn't quite obvious I will either have to take everything which might be good, or pass on it all.
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